Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"No existe ninguna lectura peligrosa. El mal no entra nunca por la inteligencia cuando el corazón está sano."

"There is no dangerous reading. Evil never enters through intelligence when the heart is healthy."

Jacinto Benavente

Y a este propósito dice Plinio que no hay libro, por malo que sea, que no tenga alguna cosa buena. Mayormente, que los gustos no son todos unos, mas lo que uno no come, otro se pierde por ello

About this Pliny says that there is no book, however bad it is, which does not have some good in it; namely that not all tastes are the same and what
one person does not like, will enthrall another.

Written about 1554 - anonymous (Found in La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes)